June 11, 2017

The Glory of the Lord Promised

Passage: Exodus 33:18-23
Service Type:

On this coming Lord’s Day, and then again on June 18, it will be our privilege to have Rev. Jim Daughtry in our pulpit. We are so thrilled that Jim and Sharon and their children (Anna, Peterson, and Joseph) are part of our Church family! Jim will be preaching in my absence as we are on vacation from today through June 24.

This Sunday Jim will be preaching a message entitled ‘The Glory of God Promised,’ from Exodus 33:18-23. Then on June 18, his message will be ‘The Glory of the Lord Revealed,’ from Exodus 34:5-8. These texts are foundational for our understanding of salvation, and how our Great God has redeemed us from sin’s curse by the sending of His Son in sovereign grace and mercy. And, as you might anticipate, these two Biblical texts are also helpful in shaping our understanding of those three beautiful words that we have been recently considering in 2 John 1:3–“grace, mercy, and peace.” I know you will be richly blessed, instructed, and encouraged by Jim’s preaching, and please hold him up in your fervent prayers as he comes to deliver the Word of the Lord to us.

Carol and I want to express our gratitude to you for allowing us some time away. We are so thankful for the opportunity to ‘unplug’ and to be refreshed physically and spiritually. And we thank you in advance for your prayers that we might have our hearts and minds strengthened by this brief season of rest.

Our gracious Lord willing, I will be back in our pulpit on Sunday June 25, and we will continue our study of 2 John 1:3, focusing again upon the wonder of God’s “mercy” in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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