May 24, 2020

The Gospel of Rest – Part One

Passage: Hebrews 3:14-4:11
Service Type:

Our sermon this coming Sunday will introduce us to one of my all-time favorite Biblical topics. And I would ask that you spend time prayerfully reading and getting acquainted with Hebrews 3:18-4:11. In this section of the Epistle, the author speaks of God’s “ rest.” Later in the paragraph he calls this a “ Sabbath rest” (4:9).

Then, dotted throughout these inspired verses there is warning after warning not to forfeit God’s rest through unbelief and disobedience. And once again, the author uses the Old Testament Israelites as prime examples of what not to do.

And yet, along with all of the many ominous calls to vigilance, there is also a blessed promise for each of us who know our dear Savior!

On Sunday, we will conduct a ‘fly-over’ of these verses, and we will introduce ourselves to the background of this great Scriptural theme of God’s Sabbath rest.

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