September 1, 2024

The Gracious Commands of the Gospel: Follow the Savior in His Sufferings – Part Three

Passage: 1 Peter 4:17-19
Service Type:
This coming Lord’s Day we will complete our summer preaching series on ‘The Gracious Commands of the Gospel.’   My prayer all along has been that through these messages we would come to a deeper understanding of the vital link between our Lord’s grace in salvation and our walk in obedience to His will and Word.  On Sunday we will conclude our examination of the gracious command found in 1 Peter 2:21, that we should closely “follow” our Savior “in His steps,” especially His life of suffering on our behalf.
Our text will be 1 Peter 4:17-19 where the Apostle Peter links our afflictions with the wise and sovereign “will” of our Father, who is the “faithful Creator” (v. 19).  Here, Peter will offer us a two-fold exhortation in light of the truth that our Father in Heaven rules all things, even our experiences of suffering.  First, we must always “entrust our souls” to His wise and faithful care. Then, we must continue to serve His Kingdom by “doing good,” even in our afflictions.
A Look Ahead
On September 8 at 9:15 AM, Sunday School resumes for the Fall semester.  As always, there will be classes for all ages.  Our Adults will be studying The Lord’s Prayer, and our main textbook will be The Prayer of Our Lord, by Dr. R. C. Sproul (Ligonier Ministries: 2009).  Be sure to secure your copy and plan on studying with us as we learn how to pray!
Also on September 8, we will resume our sermon series on the Prophecy of Ezekiel.  I will be preaching eleven messages from this astounding Old Testament book leading up to our celebration of Advent 2024 (beginning on December 1).  Let me encourage you to continue your reading of Ezekiel as we learn how his ancient message to the captive Israelites speaks so powerfully to our own time.