The Great “I Am”
This Lord’s Day, Easter Sunday, we will be celebrating our Lord’s bodily resurrection from the grave. Our text for the morning sermon will be one that you might not immediately connect to the events at the garden tomb of Jesus. In Exodus 3:1-15 we discover the account of the burning bush and the call of Moses to become Israel’s deliverer. Within the drama of this amazing episode, Moses receives a revelation of God’s “memorial-name” (v. 15). And that sacred “name” is “I AM WHO I AM” (v. 14). Then, some fifteen centuries later, there is One who comes as the Savior of the world. He does not appear in a burning bush, but in a manger in Bethlehem. And He takes up this sacred name and boldly applies it to Himself–“Before Abraham was born, I am” (John 8:58).