The Mystery and Magnificence of the Son’s Greater Priesthood: Part Three
This Lord’s Day we will take our final look at the majestic and mysterious nature of our Savior’s role as our Great High Priest.
Our text will come from from Hebrews 5:10 and 7:1-3 where we once again encounter the mysterious Old Testament figure, “ Melchizedek.” In keeping with the grand theme of the Epistle, the author will show us the glory and splendor of our Great High Priest, a vision that will move us to a deeper love and devotion to Him and His Eternal Kingdom.
Let me suggest that you do a little investigative work on Melchizedek before Sunday. Get familiar with Genesis 14:1-24 where he first makes an appearance in Scripture. There we find the story of his encounter with Abraham.
Then look at Psalm 110:1-7 where David speaks of him.
Finally, take some time also to read through Hebrews 7:1-28 where Melchizedek and our Lord are compared and contrasted.