The Mystery and Magnificence of the Son’s Greater Priesthood: Part Two
How magnificent and mysterious is Jesus, our Great High Priest!
This is the triumphant theme of our studies in Hebrews 5, and our text for this Sunday’s message will come from Hebrews 5:8-9. Here we read:
“ Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him. . . .”
You will remember that we have outlined verses 7-10 this way:
The Mystery of Christ’s Agony (v. 7, last week’s message)
The Mystery of Christ’s Obedience and Perfection (vv. 8-9, this week’s message)
The Mystery of Christ’s Connection to Melchizedek (v. 10, next week’s message)
In verses 8-9 we are at once confronted with both the perfect Deity of the Son, and His perfect humanity. He is “ a Son,” the very eternal Son of God, co-equal and consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit.
But He also was one who “ learned obedience,” and was “ made perfect.” And then, and only then did He become “ the source” of our “ salvation.”
Have there ever been more magnificent, yet profoundly mysterious, words ever written?
How could these things be true? How could the Eternal One learn to obey, and become perfect?
How are His deity and humanity inseparably joined and yet distinguished? And why were such things necessary for our salvation?
As we explore these amazing verses together this Sunday, we will come to a better understanding of how and why He is, indeed, our one and only all-sufficient Great High Priest!