The Pioneer of Our Salvation
Before I share our weekly sermon preview with you, I want to say a brief word about all that is going on regarding the corona virus that is so drastically impacting our lives.
The presence of this virus (and its rapid spread and sweeping effects) is only adding to what has proven to be a very interesting last several years in our world, to say the least! There have been colossal, and seemingly unprecedented, disruptions in every area of life. Most disturbingly, we’ve witnessed these enormous shifts in the arena of basic human morality and decency. We have seen shocking developments and declensions (and occurring with such speed!) that we could have never anticipated.
And now, as if all of this were not enough, we are dealing with a threat (whether simply perceived and somewhat overblown, or terrifyingly real) that has essentially called a halt to our normal everyday lives and routines. So, what shall we do?
Let me encourage each of us to do what believers in our Sovereign Lord and Savior have always done in times like these:
Let us rest in the perfect faithfulness and love of our Father in Heaven!
Let us rejoice even in our afflictions and tribulations!
Let us fear no evil, for He is always with us!
Let us continue to worship and serve Him who is the King and Lord of all!
Let us pray without ceasing!
Let us reckon the sufferings of this present world as nothing in comparison to the glory that will be ours in the presence of our Lord!
Let us embrace and enjoy His peace, that far surpasses all human comprehension!
And let us love one another as He has loved us, and freely given Himself upon the cross for our redemption!
May our Lord use these uncertain and tumultuous days to make our faith stronger and deeper. And may our lives be further purified and made worthy of the Holy Name we bear!
Before leaving this subject, let me commend to you a very helpful word from Dr. John Piper. The link to his post is below, and I pray it will richly bless and encourage you today.
On Sunday, as we gather before our Triune God, our sermon will come from Hebrews 2:10. While this is only one verse of Scripture, like so many others we have seen along the way, it is filled to the brim with truths about our Lord and the salvation He has won for us.
As you meditate upon this passage, allow me to suggest that you especially focus upon these words that appear in the verse (based on the ESV): “ fitting,” “ founder,” and the phrase “ perfect through suffering.”
I eagerly look forward to our gathering together in the presence of our Savior, and I love you all so very much, and never, ever, cease praying for you!