December 19, 2021

The Promises of Christmas: Another Helper

Passage: John 14:16
Service Type:

This coming Lord’s Day, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we will consider the words of Jesus that are found in John 14:16-17. It is in this passage from John that we encounter our Savior’s beautiful promise of “the Helper” who will come from the Father.

The power of this promise is only magnified by the setting that John describes beginning in 14:1. Facing the certain departure of their Lord and Master, the disciples are very disturbed and perplexed. It is here that Jesus utters those blessed words that we all so dearly love: “Let not your hearts be troubled.”

Yet, despite the sad reality that very soon Jesus will no longer be with them physically, the disciples will be at no disadvantage at all, and will not be left behind to go it alone. There will be “another Helper” for them!

Who is this “Helper”? When will He come? And what will He do?

What a great joy it will be to discover another ‘Christmas gift’ from Jesus!

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