October 18, 2020

The Qualifications of Our Great High Priest: Part One

Passage: Hebrews 5:1-6
Service Type:

What you find in these verses is yet another treatment of the grand theme of our Lord’s superior priesthood. As you know this is a subject that the author of the Epistle has been addressing since 2:17 where, for the first time, he speaks of Jesus as a “ high priest.” And then, as we have recently seen, this subject is explored in detail in 4:14-16 with the chapter concluding with the summons to “ draw near with confidence to the throne of grace.”

Chapter 5 seems to start all over again with an emphasis upon the priestly ministry of Jesus on our behalf. And this subject matter will be on the ‘front burner’ all the way through 10:25! And if I have counted correctly, there are no less than 39 reference to priests and the priesthood found in the thirteen chapters of this letter!

So why is this the case? Why the repetition of this theme? Why all of the exhaustive details about the work of the Old Testament priests? After all, isn’t this a New Covenant book, and isn’t the author addressing Christians? And maybe the bigger question on your mind is, ‘Do we really need to hear more sermons about the priesthood, the offerings and sacrifices, and such?’

If that last question is on your mind, let me encourage you not to feel too guilty about it. While you’re asking that one, I’m asking if I really need to preach all of this yet again!

Well, despite our questions about this re-emphasis and repetition, we must remember (and believe!) that all of this about the priesthood is found here because, like the first readers of this Epistle, we need it! There are treasures here that will enrich our lives as flowers of Jesus. There is help here. There is profound encouragement here. There is exactly what we all need and must have today, yet to be discovered in these inspired words!

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