The Qualifications of Our Great High Priest: Part Two
I remember one day, perhaps when I was about nine or ten years of age, I was standing before the mirror in my parent’s bathroom. And if I recall correctly, I was about to ‘practice shaving,’ just as I had seen my Dad perform this daily routine so many times. Just like Dad, I filled the basin with warm water, shook the can of shave cream, and began to apply it to my face (instead of a real razor, I was making use of a plastic picnic knife).
Then, as I looked back up at the mirror, I was startled to see Dad standing behind me. He was grinning ear-to-ear. And that’s when I noticed something: I looked just like him! That morning, I saw in myself his very reflection. I was, in that moment, a smaller version of my Father. There were differences, for sure. But the similarities were obvious to me even at such a young age.
If you had been there to witness that scene, your eyes also would have traveled from me, the smaller reflection, to my Dad, the larger reality.
Now, I bring all of this up because this is what we are dealing with in Hebrews 5:1-4.
The author of the Epistle is telling us all about Israel’s high priests, including their selection, calling, duties, and qualifications. But behind them, ‘in the mirror’ so to speak, is a much larger reality–our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest!
The Old Covenant priests look much like the Great High Priest in many ways. While there are significant differences, there is an obvious resemblance! And if we can look at them carefully, taking in all that Scripture tells us about their role and office, we will know more about the One who stands behind them!
As guided by this passage from Hebrews 5, we will be led to look carefully at Israel’s high priests, and then to gaze past them, to the greater Reality they foreshadow. Stated simply, if we want to understand Jesus and who is for us, we need to understand the Old Testament, especially its picture of Israel’s priests!
What a joy it will be to worship together this Lord’s Day, and to explore this inspired Word from our God! For we too, “ wish to see Jesus”!