The Servant Songs of Isaiah: The Exalted Servant and Savior of the World
It’s hard to imagine that this coming Lord’s Day is the fourth and final Sunday of Advent 2020! I pray that the speed at which the days and weeks have passed has not diminished our appreciation for Isaiah’s magnificent depiction of our Lord and Savior in his ‘ Servant Songs.’
This Sunday, we will carefully examine the last of these ‘songs’ which is discovered in Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Someone has suggested that this incredible passage “ sounds as if it had been written under the very cross of Golgotha”! And when you read it, you’ll see why such a thing might be claimed.
As we’ve stated frequently along our journey through these four prophetic passages, Isaiah is giving us an inside look at all that our Lord and Savior would accomplish through His incarnate life. And in this fourth great song we see the whole story of redemption playing out!
The final song of the Lord’s Servant will reveal His suffering and death for humanity’s sins, His resurrection for our justification, His ascension to the Father’s right hand, and His reign over all creation! What a story it will tell! What a wonderful ‘Christmas Song’!