October 18, 2015

The Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery, Part Two

Passage: Exodus 20:14
Service Type:

WWJD. Most of us immediately recognize this acronym. Of course, it stands for ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ and this (along with the bracelets) was nothing short of a cultural phenomenon several years back. But I’ve got a better one for us to consider: WDJS. ‘What Did Jesus Say?’

That question certainly comes into play as we consider the Ten Commandments and their application to us today in light of our Lord’s life, death, and resurrection. Jesus had much to say about the Decalogue in general and certain of the Ten Commandments in particular. We have already considered what He said about the Sixth Commandment regarding murder, and we found His words to be both devastating and convicting. But in that same episode recorded in Matthew 5, He also addressed the Seventh Commandment forbidding adultery. Amazingly, He declared that, “everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (v. 8). As Dr. Kent Hughes once commented, if this is true then “we are all adulterers by this standard” (The Sermon On the Mount, 107).

On Sunday we will look very carefully at what Jesus said about adultery, and how this ancient Commandment from the Decalogue still resonates with divine authority and summons each of us to a life of purity and holiness. Take a moment to prayerfully read our Lord’s words in Matthew 5:27-30, and let’s pray that the Spirit of God will empower and richly bless the proclamation of the Scriptures.

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