The Supremacy of the Son: Part Two
Just how great is our Savior and Lord?
That’s what we are led to contemplate as we read and meditate upon the words of Hebrews 1:2-4. What we find in these opening verses of this New Testament letter is a description of Christ that, in the words of R. C. H. Lenski, causes all human language to groan and strain “ with the weight of [its] meaning.”
We’ve referred to these verses as a grand ‘tour of the Seven Wonders of Jesus.’
We find seven phrases here that set forth His unparalleled greatness and supremacy. And they have been given to us in order that we might be moved to an ever-increasing love for our Lord, and to a deeper faithfulness to His Kingdom.
This coming Lord’s Day, we will examine three more of the seven descriptions of Jesus that appear in verse 3. Here, the author tells us that:
Our Lord is the “ radiance” of the Divine “ glory.”
Our Lord is the “ exact imprint” of the Divine “ nature.”
Our Lord is the One who “ upholds the universe” by means of His Divine “ word.”
What magnificent attributes!
But we need to see this list as much more than a rehearsal of certain significant points of theology, but as the very means by which our faith can be sustained, our obedience sharpened, and our love for our Savior purified and strengthened.
These phrases, each speaking of one of the wonderful dimensions of our Savior’s divine essence, are designed to help us see Him more clearly. For there is something almost magnetic about the beauty of the One who has redeemed us. So magnetic in fact, that Jesus Himself said, “ I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32).
And when we are so attracted to the beauty and glory of our Lord, we will then be irresistibly moved to embrace Him more firmly by faith.