August 7, 2016

Two Ears, One Mouth, and the Righteousness of God

Passage: James 1:19-21
Service Type:

We have all realized by now that the Epistle of James certainly lives up to its reputation as the New Testament letter of practical Christian living. As an under-shepherd of the Lord’s people, James has a special concern that the Gospel message of salvation will lead to the complete transformation of the sinner in each and every aspect of life. Of course, this will move him to that most notable conclusion recorded in 2:17—“faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.”

The ‘practical’ section of this inspired letter kicks in with significant energy as we arrive at James 1:19. Here James begins to lay out for us the many implications of the Gospel in terms of transformed living. In 1:19-20 he will initially mention three of these. First, the Gospel affects our hearing (v. 19). Secondly, the Gospel transforms our speaking (v. 19). And third, the Gospel transforms our emotions, especially “anger” (vv. 19-20). And then, the balance of the letter will address other practical areas where the Word that initially brings us to life spiritually (1:18) will continue to bear the fruit of holiness for the glory of God. All along the way from this point forward, the message will be clear enough: If you have experienced the saving grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you can never be the same again!

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