Walking and Resting In the Fear of the Lord – Part 2
This coming Lord’s Day, we will look once again at the words of Jesus as recorded in Luke 12:1-7. You will recall that in this episode, our Savior is teaching the disciples how they are to serve Him faithfully, especially in seasons of conflict and adversity. We have identified three main lessons, the first two we considered last week:
Be very wary of phony, hypocritical spiritual leaders (vv. 1-3)
Make sure you fear the right person (vv. 4-5)
Rest in your Father’s great love and providential care (vv. 6-7)
In verses 6-7, Jesus provides us with two very simple illustrations of our Father’s care for us. You can see that it involves “sparrows” and the “hairs” on our heads.
As we probe these words together on Sunday, we will discover the most wonderful things about the love, power, and wisdom of the One who has saved us by the blood of His Son. And, oddly enough, we shall learn that one sure way to make our vision of our Father bigger is to consider the small things!