August 12, 2018

Walking in Christ

Passage: Colossians 2:6-10
Service Type:

On Sunday as we study the words of Colossians 2:6-10, we will arrive at the very heart and core of this letter. You can see the transition “therefore” in verse 6, which links this section to what Paul has said previously.

From his prison cell in Rome, Paul is very concerned about their protection from false teaching, and the disunity this will inevitably cause within the Colossian church. And this subject brackets what we find in verses 6-7. In 2:4, Paul’s concern is that they might be swayed and deceived by “plausible arguments,” and in 2:8 he is troubled that they might be taken “captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition.” As you remember, it was the threat of destructive doctrine that prompted Paul to write this letter in the first place.

In verses 6-7, our main focus for Sunday’s message, the Apostle sets out to counteract this peril in a most practical way by means of a solemn, yet simple, exhortation:

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

It’s all about how we “walk”!

On Sunday, we will discover the riches of this one blessed Apostolic exhortation, and we will learn how to “walk” all over again!

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