May 23, 2021

Warning and Assurance Once Again

Passage: Hebrews 10:26-31
Service Type:

Invariably, when we think of the Epistle to the Hebrews, our minds travel in the direction of two very difficult passages in this inspired letter. Both are ‘warning passages,’ which speak of the dreadful possibility of committing the sin of apostasy.

Historically, these two passages have been the focus of much debate and even controversy over their intended meaning, as well as their applicability to New Covent believers. Of course, I am speaking of Hebrews 6:1-8, and Hebrews 10:26-31.

This coming Lord’s Day, we will begin our examination of the second ‘warning passage’ in chapter 10. But let me encourage you to read the larger section from 10:26-39. If you do this, you will see that this warning, like the one in chapter 6, also contains a great word of assurance.

In chapter 10, the transition from warning to assurance is found in verse 32: “ But recall the former days . . . .” How interesting it is that some of the greatest assurances of our indestructible and everlasting salvation in Christ our Lord appear within the context of some of the strongest warnings in God’s Word.

I look forward to all that our Father will teach us as we gather before Him this Sunday!

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