September 25, 2022

What a Savior!

Passage: Jude 1:24-25
Service Type:

On Sunday, our sermon series on the Epistle of Jude will come to an end. We will take a look at the final two verses in the letter. What we discover here at the end of the Epistle is a glorious doxology!

It would be hard to imagine any more encouraging and reassuring words than the ones recorded in verses 24-25.

Our message will be structured upon two key points that we discover in Jude’s final words:

There is a grand promise to believe (v. 24)

There is a worthy response to offer (v. 25)

For all those Christians who are battle-weary, fearful in the fight for the faith, unsure of final victory, and assailed by the enemy’s persistent taunts, there is the greatest news of all! I can’t wait to explore God’s Word with each of you this Lord’s Day!

Looking ahead to next week, the Lord willing we will begin a new series of messages from the Gospel of Luke. We will be tracing Luke’s record of the public ministry of Jesus from Luke 3:21 through 22:53.

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