What Now? Part Two
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
This coming Lord’s Day we will look again at the inspired words of Hebrews 12:14-17.
You will remember that we have identified five exhortations in this section of the epistle, each having to do with running the great “race that is set before us” (12:1). These appeals answer the question, ‘What now?’ That is, what do we do now that we know about the purpose and eternal benefits of the afflictions that our Father brings into our lives (vv. 4-11)?
We might list the exhortations this way:
One: Raise Your Hands and Walk a Straight Path (vv. 12-13)
Two: Fervently Pursue Peace (v.14)
Three: Fervently Pursue Holiness (v. 14)
Four: Don’t Come Short of God’s Grace (v. 15)
Five: Don’t Tolerate Sin’s Bitter Pollution (vv. 15-17)
Last Sunday, we examined the first two of these exhortations. This week, we will consider the remaining three as we learn how to prepare ourselves for ‘racing’ well.