September 4, 2022

Words to Remember

Passage: Jude 1:17-19
Service Type:

As we get older, few things are as troublesome (and upsetting!) as a fading memory!

Familiar names don’t seem to be recalled with the same ease and speed, dates are all jumbled up, and you don’t remember where you parked your car when you visited the shopping center, or where you last placed your purse or wallet. That’s just the way it is. Everybody deals with it to some degree (you younger ones just wait, your time is coming!).

But just saying this, just accepting this as a ‘normal’ part of aging, doesn’t really help very much. This is why there is nothing short of an explosion of new products on the market that are ‘guaranteed’ to fix our memory problems. Our memories are a precious thing. Our ability to recall what we want, when we want, is a very big deal indeed!

But believe it or not, the ability to remember, or we might say the discipline of remembering, is critical to the spiritual life and wellbeing of every believer and every New Testament Church. We see this in Jude 1:17 where the brother of our Lord puts it in the form of an imperative, a command: “remember, beloved . . . .”

I don’t want to give it away now, but I think you’ll be very interested in discovering what it is that we are to “remember” and why. What does a good memory have to do with faithfulness to Jesus? Inquiring minds want to know. I can’t wait to discover the answer with you on Sunday!

Now. . . where did I put my phone?

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